Art of nature Festival 2022

by Jul 11, 2022Events0 comments

Workshop in the middle of forest. In the beginning of June we have been invited to join the practical sessions at the Art of Nature festival and run a workshop about recycling plastic into new cool things.

Between the main events there was some time and space for DIY workshops. Even though DIY stands for Do-It-Yourself, the overall goal was to involve groups of people. In a friendly environment, the participants were given a chance to to try their hands at eco-candle making, plastic recycling, some sculpting and other.

The participants of our workshop were quite concerned with the problems related to plastic pollution in the world and were glad to learn about Precious Plastic as a global movement and also about our local effort.

Place: Vana-Veski Puhkekeskus, Järvamaa

Dates: 8-10/07/2022

For more info check>