The project “Recirculate Plastic” consisted of a series of pop-up workshops in popular city locations held during the summer 2022. The project objectives were to give participants some insights of why the topic of plastic recycling is an important one in the modern realities, and to give them a chance to try their own hands at creating something new out of used plastic.
Place: Tallinn, Tammsaare park
Date: 17/07/22
The first workshop in a tent was held in the city center near a park. The event was open for everyone interested. The overall workshop process was split into zones: information and creative zones.

The participants were first introduced to the overall idea behind the Precious Plastic movement and talked a bit about us, our activities and goals. After that, plastic material related topics were covered, namely pollution, recycling procedures and material preparation requirements. Having the basic information covered, the participants were taken to the creative zone, where they could choose a product from our available list and make one for themselves using the machines with the guidance from our team.
Place: Tallinn, Telliskivi Loomelinnak
Date: 31/07/22

Each workshop event lasted for 3 hours and hosted a number of people of all ages and interest groups. The language of the workshops was always switching between EST, ENG and RU, depending on the participant.
Place: Tallinn, Vabaduse väljak
Date: 14/08/22